how to download cydia apps without jailbreak - دليلك للمعلوميات

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how to download cydia apps without jailbreak

how to download cydia apps without jailbreak

how to download cydia apps

how to download cydia apps without jailbreak: Before the system iOS 8 was the process of downloading applications from outside the Apple store applications almost impossible, so it was the work of many people resort to jailbreak in order to break the restrictions imposed by Apple on its own, or in order to download applications that are not on App Store shop.

You can now download applications from outside the official store and without jailbreak, Vttabiqat like iCleaner Pro or Movie Box was out of date available to owners jailbreak only, but now abounded shops informal such as vShare and iTools and Tongbu and AppCake and AppAddict that you can install on your computer and through which you can install These applications and work on them without problems.

VShare shop is currently the best, where available in Arabic, also features in the download speed and ease of installation, and provides most of the store Cydia applications securely. If you are interested in the applications of Cydia store and you want to install on your computer easily please follow these steps:

    Disable the automatic update of time and date option.
    From the Safari browser go to the site

    Download the application by clicking on the "immediate download" Download.
    After the end of the installation you will be asked to trust the system application, then approval and trust.

    Open the application and type the name of the application or tool that you want in the search option, and will store downloaded Messaging and installation directly what you want, without the need for an official Apple store and its complexity.
You can now download applications within the store Cydia without jailbreak and securely, as vShare shop makes it possible to download paid applications and games in Apple's App Store for free, but this is what we do not recommend it, it is a violation of the rights of others.

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