Google launches a new update to its maps application on the system ios - دليلك للمعلوميات

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Google launches a new update to its maps application on the system ios

system ios
Google Inc. on Tuesday launched a new update version for any or feed the operating system from the application of its mapping service, it brings a number of advantages, most notably the possibility of obtaining trends hour Apple Smart.

The new version of Maps "Google Maps", which carries the 4.11 figure, to make it easier for users to compare "the expected time of arrival" ETA between driving situations, or transportation, or walking, or cycling.


The update brings users to "ios" system operator for the Apple company access to commercial institutions and get directions that lead to it from the list of places directly.

Users can version 7.0 and above of any operating system or OS download the new version of "Google Maps" application that comes from the size of 34.2 Mijaaata App Store shop.

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