Microsoft's Xbox Music re-naming Groove's on the ios system - دليلك للمعلوميات

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Microsoft's Xbox Music re-naming Groove's on the ios system

Microsoft's Xbox Music re-naming Groove's on the ios system
After that change the Microsoft Xbox Music application for Groove in conjunction with the arrival of updated Windows 10,

 The company has recently updated the application located on the ios platform to carry the new Groove and do without Xbox Music application properties. Users will notice a new design for the application that is based on a basic color black as a color instead of green, which was characterized by the Xbox Music application,

And In addition, users can now broadcast audio content directly from One Drive. What missing from the application here is that Microsoft did not add the possibility of a better knowledge of new songs and newer songs, which came to market and which may reach later for application in the form of an update

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