service launches Couchmode feature |
Broadcasting service launched live video "Brescub" Periscope is a new feature called "status of the couch" Couchmode allows users to navigate between video bulletins which are currently being broadcast on the service, in a manner similar to what the user is doing when changing channels on the TV while sitting on the couch in the living room.
The feature is available - available on the link - on the desktop only, and is limited to the video displayed as vertical, and there is a small arrow in the top corner to the right of the user allow him to move between videos randomly.
The Brescub - owned subsidiary of Twitter - has not announced the new feature through her blog.
The Brescub began in late June last give users the ability to watch the re-broadcast on the Web and within the limits of 24 hours of completion.
The Twitter application Brescub launched late March / March last to compete with "Mercat" Meerkat, to provide recorded video broadcast live by the smart phone service and share it with followers on the social network.
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