New image leaked telephone Sony Xperia Z5 and Z5 Compact - دليلك للمعلوميات

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New image leaked telephone Sony Xperia Z5 and Z5 Compact

Xperia Z5 & Z5 Compact

A few days since the publication of leaked ViziLeaks image for my phone Sony Xperia Z5 Z5 Compact and next iPhone 5s and the picture shows that both phones Saotwa fingerprint reader built with the Power buttons located on the right side.

Today lane ViziLeaks publication of a new image for both phones and appears both from the right side which buttons the present Power Built with fingerprint reader.

It is noteworthy that Sony was the deadline set its own event at IFA 2015 conference, which will be on September 2 and is expected to announce which company phone Xperia Z5 and Z5 Compact.

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